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Meet our principal and dean of students

 Jason Werchowski
Principal, Fox River Middle School
(262) 514-8200 Ext. 4500


Brad Singer
Associate Principal, Fox River Middle School
(262) 514-8200 Ext. 4105

Falcons Soar Together.

Every Person, Every Day.

Our mission

Together, we inspire, challenge, and support every child to thrive, explore their passions, and develop their potential, paving the way for a future of endless opportunities.

Athletic & Club Offerings

Athletics: boys basketball, girls basketball, cross country, track & field, girls volleyball, and wrestling.

Clubs: book club, falcon code, forensics, musical, solo & ensemble, student council, boys volleyball, WEB, and yearbook.


Our values

Clarify priorities to support teaching & learning
Ensure intentional, clear, and timely communication
Collaborate in service of each student’s learning and well-being
Build on the strengths of our community to ensure students, staff, and stakeholders feel welcomed, valued, and supported

State Report Card

72.6 exceeds expectations score

2023-2024 State Report Card